
Radio Shack Fires 400 Employees by email

Really, they did.
if ya wanna read it

To me, this begs two very important questions....

1) What if the people who were fired had Radio Shack computers and therefore still do not have email?
-Really this is a lot like the old "if a tree falls in a forest and there isn't anyone to hear it" scenario. If the company used Radio Shack computers to send the email and then the employees use Radio Shack computers for such things as DOS commands and solitaire or whatever else RS's computers are now capable of, my bet is that 398 of the employees never get the message and continue to show up for work. I hope there is a follow up story.

2)How in the hell is Radio Shack even in business anymore?
-I'll start with the obvious...the name. Radio's aren't quite the newfangled invention they once were and somehow the word shack does not spark thoughts of top of the line electronics to me. So maybe the name is fitting, because the second problem with Radio Shack is that they don't sell anything worth buying unless you happen to own many electronic devices from the 80's. They literally still sell remote control cars, walkie-talkies, and electronic battleship. And I actually think some of these items might be marked "new." What electronic device would you actually go to radio shack to buy? I've been in them a dozen or so times in my life and the only thing I have ever given them money for is speaker wire. I think their only customers might be ex-marines turned handymen. They may want to update the business plan a little.

And to all of you who did get fired by email... That's pretty lame. But look at the gi-normous upside... you're not working at f'in radio shack anymore!!

keep rockin,


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